Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's over too soon

I have gotta say, usually by now I am ready to take the Christmas decor down and get back to normal life. But for some reason this year I really don't want to and it has nothing to do with laziness, I am really sad that Christmas is over, and feel like it was just Thanksgiving.

We did however have a wonderful Christmas one of my favorite parts was when we were reading Luke 2 and Mia informed us that the Wise Men brought baby Jesus Gold, Frankenstein, and Myrrh. Setting up the Nativity as we read proved to be a little more difficult than usual because McKinlee insisted on eating each of the The kid is crazy

Later Mia set out Milk and cookies for Santa and took the time to make a smiley face out of the cookies and carrots and ran to the basement to tell her dad about her art work for Santa while she was gone McKinlee quietly snuck over to the plate can see the story unfold...

Mia began screaming "Those are for Santa, Those are for Santa!!!" and I was laughing too hard to do anything about

1 comment:

Joyelle said...

I LOVE you guys!! that is the best!! mckinlee loves to eat everything- too too cute!!
ps- email me pics with our kids so i can add them to my blog yo!