Thursday, June 18, 2009

mmm....Strawberries, a reason to celebrate

I love early summer, the weather is beautiful, the smell of honeysuckle fills the air....and it is time to pick STRAWBERRIES!

Every year we go to Trax farm for their strawberry festival, Mia enjoys the activities, and josh and I enjoy the strawberry smoothies, milkshakes, shortcake, and what ever else looks delicious. The girls particularly enjoyed feeding the animals...that is until one decided to try to eat Mia's hair.

McKinlee was fond of the Llama, they were so soft she just sat and pet it over and over, I think she would have cuddled and taken a nap with it if we would have let her.

We gave Mia the choice to ride the barrel train or to have a pony ride...just like her daddy she chose the pony

Later in the week we all go up to the farm and pick some berries...sadly this year there were no berries to pick at Trax, a late frost destroyed their crop. So we had to improvise, luckily we live in a major city who is determined to maintain their small townness, and we called the other local farms and finally found one who had some berries to pick. It was McKinlee's first time of being able to help, she loved it but was eating the strawberries faster than we could pick them. We finally had to put her into the backpack...or we would have not had any to bring home. Now it is time to make some jam...yum!

1 comment:

The Ballantyne's said...

That is so funny. MG is like me.