Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Addition

The birth of Wynter was unlike any of my other children...for starters we made plans with our Doctor to be induced on my due date if she hadn't come yet. It made life a lot easier on my parents, that way they were able to book a flight and be guaranteed a baby to come while they were here. It also made it easier to find people to take care of my girls. We were informed by the Dr. that we would get a call from the Hospital between the hours of 3am and 7 am on Feb 17th. I was not too happy about the time, but very happy to have an end in sight. So we made arrangements for Mia to stay the night at Jackson's house, and ride the bus to school with him the next day. We weren't too sure what to do about McKinlee, I didn't think she would be too keen on sleeping over at someone else's house. Then I came up with a brilliant solution. My good friend Jaime agreed to come and spend the night at my house. That way when we got the call we didn't' have to drag McKinlee out of the house at some ungodly hour and risk not getting there in time and losing our bed.

I spent Tuesday packing bags for each of the girls and myself, and getting frustrated as McKinlee unpacked them. Finally I put her the play pen that she has always hated, but for some reason loves now. Hallelujah! Later I anxiously awaited the call that it was time to come to the hospital. Around 4:20 am I gave up and headed to bed, at 4:30am the phone rang and it was time to go.

Josh and I grabbed my bag, and headed out into a snow storm. We barley made it up the hill to the main road, the roads were terrible, we slid several times. And were very grateful when we got to the Hospital safe and sound.
We checked in and they started to induce me around 6. Around 10:30am my contractions were coming so hard and strong, I finally turned to Josh and said, either I am fully dilated or this Epidural isn't working. Get somebody in here! With out warning a few minutes later my Dr. showed up to check my progress. To his surprise I was fully dilated and the baby was well on her way. He had no nurses because they had around 8 others delivering at the same time. So he frantically grabbed the phone and paged for anyone available, and told me not to move. 10 minutes later our beautiful baby was born.

My parents flight was on the same day so we had planned on them coming to the hospital to see the baby, and pick up the girls. Their flight out of Moab was cancelled, they made arrangements to fly out of another airport and catch a later flight into Pittsburgh, they missed their connecting flight from Denver to Pittsburgh and had to sleep at the airport...we didn't know what to do. By the time Josh got the girls to someone else's house it would be after we had a family slumber party. I wish I could have taken a picture. Josh and Mia cuddled on the pull out chair, and McKinlee shared the hospital bed, with Wynter in the baby crate. It was quite a site. But a very memorable experience.

The next day Josh picked Mia up from School, and raced my parents who had finally made it to Pittsburgh to the Hospital.
So that was the events of bringing Wynter into the world. Things didn't go as smoothly has we had planned/hoped but it was memorable. She has truly been a light and Joy in the dreary winter we have had, and the events that the season caused on her birth Story. We couldn't decide between naming her Wynter-Elizabeth or Crescent Jade. We chose her name to remind us of her birth and the blessing she is. The girls adore her, and we do too.


Joyelle said...

o-soooo swweeeeet!!! i love her!!!! she is soooo teeny, i couldve held her forever!!! xoxo

taylia said...

Sexy bed picture woo hoo! It looks like her hair is lighter than originally thought? What do you think? Any lighter than the other 2? She is a pumpkin!

The Ballantyne's said...

She is so sweet and the girl's are so cute with her! It was hard to come home! Love you guys! Nana