Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Funny Little Story

Most of you know that Sundays have become rather difficult for me. This one may take the cake.  On December 19th, Josh as usual left early for church meetings.  I got up to shower and get ready, but so did all of my kids.  I usually try to get ready before I wake my kids up so I have time for myself.  I quickly got everybody ready we had breakfast, then got out the door.  The last 10 minutes of gathering all the Scriptures bags, making sure everyone has on coats, shoes, brushed teeth is particularly difficult, but we made it.  We got out the door to find it was raining!   Mia ran for the car, I carried Wynter all the bags and prodded McKinlee along, who was particularly slow that morning.  We got to the car soaking wet, but we made it  I got everyone buckled and off we went.
We got to the building and went into the Chapel.  As soon as we sat down McKinlee grabbed her bowl of gold fish crackers and opened them up, spilling them everywhere.  And of course it wasn't just in front of us, so I could ignore it until after the meeting, it was all over the aisle.  Thankfully Sandy (the woman behind us) helped me clean it up.  So we got the crackers picked up, and settled back into our pew.  Wynter was playing on the floor and decided to crawl under the bench, Sandy leaned forward and whispered to me..."Did you Know that Wynter has pooped?" I didn't so I grabbed Wynter and took her out; and Sandy sat with Mia and McKinlee.  I got back to the Mothers Room to find that Wynter hadn't pooped, she had exploded!  I had to strip the child down and wash her.  I got a new diaper on and realized that I didn't have a change of clothes, so I put her skirt back on which had weathered the explosion just fine, went to the Sacrament Meeting Room doors, got Josh's attention on the stand and mouthed the words, "I need help"  He started laughing, I mouthed it again...he still didn't get it.  So I got Sandy's attention and she came and grabbed my half naked baby sat back down with my kids, and I ran home to get a change of clothes for Wynter.  I got back to church and changed Wynter, and sat with my kids.  Then McKinlee had a melt down, so I took her and Wynter out.  Mia went and sat with the former Bishop and his wife.  McKinlee calmed down and we went back to our seat, but she wanted to be cuddled.  So I put Wynter down and held McKinlee, suddenly I saw Wynter start to fall off the pew, I launched forward to catch her; throwing McKinlee to the ground and missed Wynter.  I got both girls calmed down in time for the closing prayer. 
During Sunday School, Josh took Wynter and she immediately fell asleep.  Josh needed me to get the cost of the Christmas Cards the Bishopric planned to send out, and because of Church Internet issues, Josh sent me home.  I got back in time to go to Relief Society.  I took Wynter went into Relief Society and sat down.  10 minutes later, Wynter woke up, and as her usual cheerful self began to make a lot of playful noise, not wanting to interrupt the others I left, went to the lobby and waited for church to end. 
It is a lot of effort for me to get 3 kids ready and myself for 10 minutes of Church.  These days I just remind myself that it is important that the kids see and know that we attend Church.  And  Thank Heaven for Sandy.


kate said...

makes me exhausted just READING that! you are supermom, maybe you should wear a cape and tights next week. :) you are setting such a good example for your girls. they will definitely know your commitment and testimony because of what you go through to be there each week.

Ken said...

Ahhhh the joys. I remember a similar experience several years ago. Granted you were the only child but I still remember the cloth diaper going into the trash, the gagging because I was dealing with a " mommy diaper " alone in the church. You were given back to your mom with a bare little butt while I ran home to get more diapers and clothes. Hmmmmm can we say KARMA?