Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Laundry with a twist of fun

It was Laundry Day...Ugg... I hate laundry day.  I went to the basement finished sorting the clothes into their various color and fabric piles.  Switched the stuff in the dryer and the washer, starated a new load in the washer, folded the stuff from the dryer and put it into a basket, then I came back up stairs. I could her giggling from the next room so I went to investigate.  I found McKinlee, and Wynter, two spoons, and a pint of Ben and Jerry's.  I did what any Mom would do on Laundry Day.  I grabbed myself a spoon and dove in with with them.

1 comment:

kate said...

hee hee! i must try this on my next laundry day. which is...today! love it! you threw a heck of a party last night, jenn. wonder woman!