Sunday, December 18, 2011

An Evening out of Jail

Since we have had Ryken Josh and I have found it difficult to go and do anything. Don't get me wrong we have tried...we have gone out to dinner as a family, we have gone shopping, and have found it to start out promising and it ends miserably. So I have come to accept that I am serving about a 2 to 3 year sentence in stuck at home with 4 kids 3 of whom are 3 and under jail.
Last Friday I was feeling particularly antsy to break out. I thought about taking the kids to the park, but it's too cold. I didn't want to spend another evening watching cartoons and sports, and I was determined to find a place where we could go to get the kids out, where they could run, be kids, and burn off some energy. I came up with the perfect solution...Phipps Conservatory. Josh and I had wanted to go at night since we purchased our membership. So we loaded the kids in the car and off we went.
It was magical, I will admit it was no Temple Square at Christmas time, but we loved it! My particular favorite was the glass sculpture in the Desert reminded me of the sun, something we Pittsburgers miss this time of year. We also loved the 6 piece orchestra playing Christmas music, Josh loved the Chinese themed tree with a dragon garland and chopstick star, and the girls loved the train room...We may have a new Holiday Tradition


Ken said...

Love Phipps. Love you all. Miss you

Karen's Korner of the World said...

Love this place !