Monday, August 27, 2012

Sister's Day

Shortly after Father's Day, Mia came to me and asked when Sister's Day was.  I told her there wasn't a Sister's day, she asked why.  I paused and tried to think of a reason I could tell her, I couldn't think of one.  It lead me to ponder why we don't take time to show our siblings how much we care for them.  So, we set a date and started our own Family Tradition.  The 4th Sunday in August is now our official Sister's Day.
 We celebrated by having the girls buy each other little gifts, the kids played music and danced together, they put on a show called The Princess and the Frog, and we made cookies for Mia to take for lunch on her first day of school.  I can't wait for next year.



kate said...

what a beautiful idea! i love it and may have to steal it. you are brilliant. and no, caleb did not give in to that crazy man's request. :)

the packard family said...

You are such a good mama! What a brilliant idea!

Ken said...

What did Ryken do during sisters day?