Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dancing Queen

Last night we had the thrill of watching Mia light up the stage in her 4th dance revue. I can't believe she has been dancing for that long or that she is that old, but she was wonderful.
She surprised us by doing cartwheels and landing on her feet every time! She danced to an Elvis song from the movie Lelo and Stitch, and Part of your world from the Little Mermaid. She loved every minute of it, and proudly informed us that she was wearing Steeler, and Penguin Colors for her costume. She is becoming a true Pittsburger, haha.
Miss Lisa and Mia Baily and Mia

Holly, Baily, and Mia


Joyelle said...

mia ann is such the star of any show! she looks beautiful!!

Zent Family said...

We do love dancing queens!!!