Sunday, June 7, 2009

Keeps me on my toes

I love my little McKinlee, but all to often her name is called out in a slight tone of frustration and annoyance. Its not that she is a bad kid, it is that she is curious. She is the kid who breaks the toy because she wants to see how it works. She dumps out the bag of chips, because she wants them, and when I am cleaning up her mess, she knocks over the clean laundry and wipes off her hands and mouth on them. She sticks her head through the hole to see if it will fit and cries when it doesn't come out as easily. She also wants to be just like her sister, this is a picture of her getting her hair done right after I finished Mia's, she just climbed onto the stool and waited.
She is also my little engineer, she loves to find things and stick them in boxes or places where they fit. The other day I couldn't find my keys, Mia and I were looking all over for them when suddenly McKinlee went over to her toy basket pulled out her peek a block giraffe and pulled out my keys. I often find stuff put into shoes and put into baskets or boxes. Last week was rainy so we decided to make cookies, we got the butter, sugar, etc mixing and I couldn't find my vanilla, I looked everywhere, I knew I had it but didn't know where it I did what any rational wife would do cleaned out every cupboard thinking my husband put it in the wrong place. I finally gave up figuring I must have used it all on Josh's b-day cupcakes, so I sent Mia to the neighbors. She brought some back and we got back to making cookies, then it was time to add the dry ingredients...I found my Vanilla.


kate said...

that is hilarious! what a cutie though. :)

Joyelle said...

LOLOLOL love that lil mckinlee girl!