Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

My little baby started 1st grade...I am so excited for her but sad at the same time. Being at School all day is a long time, she loves it but I really miss her.

Last night she was so excited for school to start she couldn't sleep. I went upstairs around midnight and there she was in my bed trying to pretend she was asleep so I wouldn't get mad at her. She was in her underwear, which wasn't how she was when I tucked her in, so I asked her, why she wasn't in her pajamas she told me..."I wanted to be able to get up and get my school clothes right on, and then eat breakfast....it would take more time to have to take off my pajamas."

I asked her if she wanted to take her lunch in a lunchbox, and she insisted that she wanted to eat school lunch. So after school I asked her how lunch was...she told me. " I chose the chicken patty sandwich....it looked a lot better than it tasted." I laughed. I tried to warn her.

She also drew a picture of her teacher, I personally love the purple high heels.

McKinlee spent the day looking for her and was really excited once the bus finally pulled in.


Joyelle said...

love her and those stinkin cute messy buns!! :) sooo glad mia n jax are in the same class!! wooo hoo :)

Zent Family said...

Jenn- I remember when you had Mia... she is getting so old!!