Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Tribute

Last week, for my family, was spent in Sunny California, we flew on a plane, which, I might add the kids did fabulous. I am proud to say that in nearly 12 hours flight time (round trip) there was not a single melt down by any of them. Josh and the babies even managed to get a few winks.
We Spent some time in the California Sun, and took our kids and, Josh's brother, Jeff's kids to the beach where we met up with my dear friend and former roommate April and her three little girls. The girls had a wonderful time collecting sea shells, chasing waves, and playing with cousins and new friends. McKinlee wasn't feeling well, which I am ashamed to say made our lives a little easier, but sadly no funny stories to tell there.

And then it was time for the purpose of the trip, we attended my beloved sister-in-law Taylia's funeral. It was beautiful, she was such an amazing woman which was apparent by the number of people who traveled from all over the country to attend. Taylia in her short life had touched so many lives, she was so giving, and kind. And a lot of fun to be around. I remember just before McKinlee was born I had plans to meet my best friend in Tennessee and the night before my flight both her and I and our husbands admitted that we had bad feelings about the trip so we cancelled it. In tears I called Tay to complain about not getting my girls week, and together we decided that my family and I should head up to Detroit. Josh had already taken the time off so we did. She wouldn't let me lift a finger or help with the (at the time) 4 kids, it was my vacation. And once or twice we left the kids with Josh and went out and played ourselves. I loved her dearly and will miss her more than words can express, I have been overcome with sadness several times in the last two weeks, and long for our early morning or late night chats. I take comfort in the knowledge of the gospel and in knowing that death isn't the end, and I will see her again. I look forward to that day, I long for it, and will rejoice in knowing that it is true.

As a final tribute to her and our trip we Blessed our little Wynter-Elizabeth in Taylia's parents home. It was a hard decision for us to make, because we wanted our dear Pittsburgh friends to be a part of it, but I know it was exactly what Tay would have wanted. She loved nothing more than to have all of the cousins together, and was sad when Her and her family couldn't make it down to McKinlee's two years ago. We love you Tay, and look forward to being with you again.


Katie said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with your and your brother in law and his children. What a hard thing to face. May you feel peace and joy in the truth the gospel brings and the love our Heavenly Father.

Joyelle said...

beautiful tribute. love you.

Nick said...

Jenn- we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. What a hard thing for you and Josh's family to all go through.

The Ballantyne's said...

Love you Wish I could be there, All I do is sit and cry! it's nuts!