Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mia-isms and silly things she has done

When Mia started talking I started a book to keep a record of the cute and funny things she said.  I have decided that I am going to start posting them here since I plan on turning the blog into a book, that way I don't have to track down a book and hope her little sisters haven't ripped out any pages or colored on them.


First Word: HOT

A prayer by Mia November 2004

Mom: Heavenly Father
Mia: Henly Fader

Mom: Thank you for this day.
Mia: Danks for day

Mom: Thank you for Mommy and Daddy
Mia: Mommy and Daddy

Mom: Help me get a good nights sleep.
Mia: But I not sleepy
        Mommy, I not sleepy.  I not sleepy

Mom: It's okay just ask for later.
Mia: Help me sleep, but I not sleepy now...

December 2004

Mia couldn't say Christmas so everything was Crispy...Crispy Tree, she would sing Crispy bells are ringing.  and Merry Crispy

Clip Clops (flip flops)
Mursery (Nursery)
Gobbles (Goggles)
Lullypops (Lollipops)
Corn beans (candy corn)
Commuter (computer)
Water Mountain (water fountain)

May 4, 2005

We were leaving the store in Jefferson Hills, PA when Mia exclaimed "It's SUNNY; It's a miracle!"

Fall 2005
Our car battery had died so I had a neighbor take you to preschool, when I picked you up and you said, "You gave the car it's medicine and it's all better?!"

Nov 2005

I asked if you wanted Mommy to have a baby and you said "YES" when I asked if you wanted a brother or sister you said "a dog!"


Computlier (computer)
Girl cheese sandwich (grilled cheese) and you said boys have to eat "boy cheese sandwiches"
Swimming feathers (water wings) became water feathers
Hangamer (hamburger)

You told Pawga that he needed to go to the store to buy some money so he could come visit you.


Buggabites (mosquito bites)
Milkstash (Milk Moustache)

You told me that you were tired of being a little kid and you are ready to be a teenager

Mia has 5 imaginary friends 3 of them fell into a vent and are trapped.  The other two are named Macha and Jayla.  They have to be buckled in the car, we have to hold their hands and pass them the sacrament.

June 27, 2007

Today you and I went swimming.  While we were taking a break you looked up and me and said "Mom when I grow up I want to be a mom."  I smiled and said "I hope you are, that would be wonderful." You looked at me again and said, "ya, I don't want to be a Dad, I hope I can stay a girl."

We spent Independence Day in downtown Pittsburgh at the Regatta, we also went to a Pittsburgh Pirates game.  While at the game the Cotton Candy Man came by and you wanted some.  We gave you $10.50 to go get your cotton candy.  You brought back $7 in change.  Later you wanted nachos and a hot dog and we told you that we didn't have enough money.  You promptly replied "yes we do, we have the money I bought it from the Cotton Candy man, it's mine, I went up and bought it...remember?"


Mia wanted to write words of her own.

Me and dad went to the park.  We swinged and played with Baby Rebekah (her doll).  I helped Mommy with laundry and I helped make lunch and dinner.  I cooked on the stove.  I splashed in the rain and puddles, I laughed, and my dress got soaked and my boots filled with water.  It was a good day.

July 2007

Mia, Josh and I went to lunch at Chic-Fil-a on the way home Mia asked if we could go to lunch tomorrow.  I said no, because we were going on vacation the next week (Philadelphia) and we would be eating out a lot.  And the week after Daddy would be in Virgina and her and I would go to Ladies Lunching.  Mia got excited and said, "that will be great and we can dress SEXY.  We can wear makeup because that is sexy.  We will wear a sexy headband, and you can wear a sexy barett. You can wear some sexy clothes, and I can wears some but I don't have any so we can buy me some new clothes because new clothes are sexy.  We will be so sexy it will be great!"

Mia follows me everywhere I go, one day in frustration I snapped at her and said, " I wake up and you are in my bed, I go downstairs and you come, I go to the bathroom and you come in.  I shower and you hop in.  Everywhere I go you are there!"  Mia walked off and left for a minute then came back and said "say it to me again."

I have taken to calling Mia "Shadow." One day she asked why I call her that.  I told her Because you always follow me around. Then she asked, "Why do you always follow me around?" I told her it was to make sure she was safe...the then said to me "I follow you because, I love you."
One of Mia's favorite games is to grab my belly and shake it, and say wake up baby, wake up.  The other day Mia grabbed a binki and started to poke me in the belly with it.  When I asked what she was doing she said, "I'm giving the baby it's binki."  I told her that the baby had its thumb it could suck, she said, "than we had better get this in there so it doesn't suck it's thumb, cuz it's hard to stop!"
Oct 2007
One weekend we took a last minute trip to see Jeff and Tay and their kids in Detroit.  On our way home we stopped at a reststop on the turnpike for some dinner.  Mia and I sat at the table and waited for Dad to bring us our dinner While we waited, Mia spotted a truck driver eating by himself at a table near us.  He was watching you and would laugh to himself at the things were were doing.  Finally you turned around saw him and said, "Mom that man is sitting by himself, shouldn't someone go sit by him so he doesn't get lonely?!"  He nearly fell over laughing

Nov. 2007

Sometimes we talk fancy, and sometimes we talk Spanish

December 2007

Mia and Josh were going to a Christmas Party, where Santa was going to be.  I asked her if she was excited to see Santa and she said, "Yes, but I hope it is the Real Santa and not some guy in a costume, cuz that's dumb"


I was talking on the phone and Mia came up to me , lifted up my shirt and put a doll bottle in my belly button.  I asked what she was doing and she said, "Feeding the Baby."

At Church one week, Mia was digging in my Church bag, Suddenly she held something up over her head and asked What is this? What is it for? Why is it in your purse?" I looked over to find Mia holding a Tampon up.

Mia was talking about getting a rocking chair, so I could rock myself to sleep, then she said, "we should get a big one so your bum will fit in it."


I was born by a horse.

On the way to a Dr. appointment I took the wrong road.  Mia quickly pointed it out and I turned around.  As I got back on the right road Mia said, " And that's why you use the GPS."

Mia found a pair of nylons and asked what they were.  I told her they were tights for women, she said, "Well I'm a woman, so I can wear them."

I woke up with Pinkeye in both of my eyes.  Mia looked at me and said, "You have Monster eyes! Growl at me."

Mia told me that I needed to have that baby so she can be a big sister.


After McKinlee was born Mia looked at me and said, " I kind of thought she was going to be more like a 3 year old."

October 2009

A conversation with Mia

Mia: Mom, you know what my favorite Holidays are...Halloween and Christmas

Me: Why Mia: Because you get candy

Me: What about Valentines and Easter

Mia: I like them too....I pretty much like any Holiday where you get candy, or they have a parade and throw candy




Did you know Milk makes you stronger?  I bet I could lift that chair over there...with my Pinki

Mia told me that when she grows up she wants to be a Dentist, or a waitress, or a check out girl

I told the girls that Easter was coming tomorrow since we will be leaving on Sunday, and placed a call to the Easter Bunny...Mia tried her hardest to see the phone number so she could call herself...then said "Mommy, when I get old like you I will have the Easter Bunny's phone number too."




Mia brought her report card home today and informed me that she had 4 Awesomes and 2 Outstandings...I said "A" means above Average and she said well...awesome is easier for me to say because I know that word and thats' how i did...

May 21
Mia just said to me "Mom, I wish the leaves on the tree were actually money, cuz then we could go pick them, pull off the stems, and buy what ever we want.

June 4 I needed to take the garbage out and Mia said to me, Mom go ahead and take it out, I will watch the kids for a minute. I came back from the dumpster a few moments later to find Mia trying to change Wynter's clothes and McKinlee eating Nesquik by the handful

June 6 just went on a walk with Mia and asked her if she wanted to hold my hand or if she was too cool for that. She said, " I can hold you hand now, but I will be too cool soon. Like when I am 8


I was just reading Mia a chapter out of one of the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books when she said to me, "Mom, this is a nonsense book"


Mia informed me today that she would never want to live in a Rural area...because she doesn't want to have to milk cows...


Today Mia is wearing leggins with flowers on them, she informed me that she was wearing brown socks so the flowers could grow...

helping me make a Blueberry Buckle for dessert and proudly informed her sisters that we were making a Blueberry Seat Belt



Ken said...

I am laughing so hard that I have tears. I have miss her so much.

Joyelle said...

sooooo priceless! love that sweetness!!

Karen's Korner of the World said...

Love, love, love Miss you my little MIA